Strategic Management for Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers: Positive Change for Sustained Excellence

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ensuring Consistency

Let’s talk about what’s keeping you up at night.

 “I can’t get my staff to follow instructions. There are procedures in writing but they’re ignored. They always have some excuse for doing things differently.”

Start by looking at the five T’s. 
  • Training. Has the necessary Training been done?
  • Time. What is the effect on available time? Will something have to give?
  • Task.  Have you communicated clearly about both “what” and “why?” How does it fit into your big picture.  How is it going to benefit them?
  • Traction. Change is hard. It is as difficult to form a new habit as it is to break an old one.
  • Tracking. Follow up is crucial to implementation. How will you measure the results?
Next, look at your operations. To get the work done, you need to focus on process not personalities. Do they have the tools they need to do what you’re asking? The training? The time? Are there real obstacles to performing a task?

Select a task that doesn’t get done correctly and ask why. Ask those who do the work to tell you how to improve the process.
And then do it!

Need help building consistency into your operation? Let’s have a conversation.  No strings. No charge. Call 530.295.1083 or send me an email.

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